
About Me

Hi, I am Yuumi.

I am dedicated, results-driven Front-End Developer based in Vancouver.

While I was a student, I also spent 6 months at the start-up Vinple
as a React Native developer creating an app for both iOS and Android.

I like to take on new challenges and enjoy of collaborating with a team in a fast paced, result driven environment. I am seeking new opportunities to contribute, expand my knowledge and passion for mobile and web technologies.

What I like

Coding, Coffee & Sweets, Music, Movie, Disney, Learning Mandarin

Connect with me :

Skills & Tools

Mobile APP development

    React Native

  • MobX

  • Android Studio

  • Java

Web App Development


  • React

  • Redux

  • HTML5 / CSS3 / Bootstrap

Other skills / Tools

    Git / GitHub

    Firebase Realtime Database

    Cloud Firestore



Contact Me

Please message me if you are interested in my work.

Get in touch with me

Berdie ( Funding Student App )

JAVA / Android Studio


School final project with team. This app is for students to help their expense ( ex: student loan ) and future goals by purchasing raffle ticket, finding jobs and scholarship through this app to reach their future goals.


We used Clean Architecture + MVP ( Model–view–presenter ) There are 3 reasons why we decided to use MVP pattern

  • Clear separation of responsibilities between components. Activity and Fragment tend to get bigger If we don't use architecture. MVP allows programmers for an easier understanding and maintenance of the project.
  • Re-usability.since we can have multiple presenters to control views, we can reuse codes for different views.
  • Easy to unit-testing


  • Realtime Firebase
  • LiveData
  • Scrum
  • Unit testing
  • Recyclerview
  • Fragment ( We tried to use Fragment and avoid to use Activity as much as possible because Jake Warthon said it is better! )

My Task

Organized everyone's tasks and made a plan and schedules. Implemented the main top page with Recyclerview for both students and donor sides, Edit profile page and bug fixes.

Donor Side Top Page

  • Donor can donate money to raffle or students
  • Donor can find a student and start conversation

Student Side Top Page

  • Students can check scholarship and their own goals with horisontal recyclerview
  • Students can check the notifications and the number of unread message

Student Side profile and edit profile page

  • Student can edit their profile informations
  • Students can update their profile picture
Close Project

Mood Jar / iOS & Android


Avairable in Google Play Store


Users can track their mood of the day with beautiful colour themes, write a diary, post pictures and put tags to keep their private memories.

Our goal is making users mood better through this app.
ex) When user select the sad mood colour, this app shows a little cute devil which represents users sadness, and let them to tap it to make user to feel that negative feeling goes away.
( WIP parts )

  • We're inspired by a mood tracker on paper from Pinterest and made a decision to make it happen on mobile devices.
  • 'Mood & Colours' is our concept, stem from our belief that colours represent and affect our many diffrenet kinds of emotions.

What we are using

  • React Native with Visual Studio Code
  • Trello / Slack
  • Git / GitHub
  • Cloud Firestore
  • MobX for state management
  • XD for design

Log in and Sign in


Mood Palette

  • User can choose beautiful mood palette from palette page

Save a diary and mood

  • User can save their mood of the day and make a comments like a diary
  • User can see yearly page which shows the range of moods for each months

2 ways to check a diary

  • User can read their past diary with mood with calendar style or FlatList style

Using Trello for managing tasks

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Quiz App

JAVA / Android Studio

Individual 3 months final project in Java class for Android App in Aug 2017.

I used MVC Design Pattern and tried to use challenging technical knowledge as much as possible.


  • Android Studio (Front-end)
  • Eclipse (Back-end)
  • Postman(testing RESTful APIs)


  • Object serialization / deserialization (instead of using SQL I used serialization for database)
  • EventBus
  • Iterator / Iterable
  • Observer / Observable
  • Interface
  • Lambda expressions
  • Design Pattern

    • MVC Pattern
  • User can load and take a quiz
  • User can check their history (Date, score, which quiz they took)